Hey there 👋
I'm Juan I. Condina
Software Developer and Entrepreneur

Welcome! I’m Juan I. Condina, a passionate full-stack developer based in Argentina. With a knack for both web and mobile development, I thrive on the challenge of mastering new technologies and creating impactful solutions.

Driven by a relentless curiosity, I’m mostly self-taught, always seeking fresh challenges to conquer. As a fervent Linux enthusiast, I champion the use of open-source software in my projects. Currently, I ply my trade as a freelancer, eagerly seeking new opportunities to innovate and collaborate.

My development ethos revolves around creating web applications that truly resonate with users. By leveraging feedback throughout the development process, I craft tools that not only meet but exceed expectations. Effective communication lies at the heart of my approach, ensuring the solutions I build are powerful and intuitive.

In my toolkit, TypeScript reigns supreme, complemented by frameworks like Next.js for frontend wizardry and Nest.js for backend prowess. I’m also well-versed in the realm of AWS cloud services, with professional experience extending to Python, C++, and Microsoft Azure, among other technologies.

Staying abreast of industry trends is paramount to me. By staying informed, I ensure that my skills remain sharp and relevant, fostering continuous growth in this ever-evolving field.

Beyond the screen, I find joy in both the camaraderie of volleyball and the harmony of music. Balancing work and play allows me to stay focused on delivering excellence to my clients while pursuing my personal passions.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into my experience, I invite you to explore my projects. For a comprehensive overview of my professional journey, feel free to peruse my resume or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Let’s build something remarkable together!

© 2024 Juan I. Condina