Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Sample App

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Sample App


In this project, I undertook the task of constructing the frontend for a Microsoft Cognitive Services sample application slated for inclusion in the official documentation, presenting a significant opportunity for me to showcase and elevate my skills. While initially feeling daunted by the scale of the task, I rose to the occasion, focusing on creating an MVC application that simulated the service’s functionalities, thereby providing users with a tangible demonstration of its capabilities.

Despite the frontend being my primary focus, I seized the opportunity to delve deeper into the backend aspects of the application, expanding my knowledge of the MVC pattern and gaining insights into Razor blades functionality. Additionally, I actively engaged in task estimation and immersed myself in Agile methodologies, gradually unraveling the intricacies of team dynamics and individual roles within the Agile framework.

Upon project completion, I felt a sense of accomplishment as I effortlessly delivered on my responsibilities, instilling in me the confidence to explore other facets of the software development process. The client’s satisfaction with the outcome further validated my efforts, solidifying my contribution to the Azure Cognitive Services Personalizer Samples, accessible at: This experience not only broadened my technical expertise but also empowered me to navigate and contribute effectively within complex development environments.

© 2024 Juan I. Condina